Evangelicals For Middle East Understanding


In my blog this month I would like to introduce you to a website and to a weekly communiqué that I find very helpful. The website is "Evangelicals For Middle East Understanding" (EMEU).   EMEU is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy and peacemaking between the West and the Middle East.

On weekly basis every Tuesday I receive the EMEU Weekly Communiqué which I find very helpful. For instance in the Communique on March 8, 2016, there was a short introduction on the Kurds. Most people are not aware of who are the Kurds, what is their history, and what are their aspirations. In that short introduction there is a link to those who want to learn more

What is unique about EMEU according to their website: "Our mission mandate did not originate in the U.S. We are NOT a ministry of Americans who set out to serve our friends in the Middle East. On the contrary faithful followers of Jesus in the Middle East invited EMEU to represent them - those believers who feel ignored and even abandoned by brothers and sisters here in the States."

Their OBJECTIVES according to their website:

1. Encourage discussion and application of Biblical principles of God’s truth and compassion for all God’s people in the Middle East and identify appropriate responses.

2. Sponsor conferences that enhance fellowship, partnerships, and mutual understanding between the Western Church and Middle Eastern people and their faith communities.

3. Publish and promote conference proceedings and distribute media resources that support our mission and objectives.

4. Facilitate and plan educational travel to and from the Middle East.

5. Arrange meetings between Middle Eastern leaders and evangelical church representatives.

6. Expand the network of churches, organizations, and individuals committed to the EMEU mission, while raising up a new generation of leadership. 

Their MISSION according to their website:

"Responding to the call of Middle East church and civic leaders, the mission of EMEU is to pray for and promote God’s justice, peace, reconciliation, and religious freedom by building friendships with the people and churches of the Middle East and the West."

I encourage you to go into the website and request the EMEU Weekly Communiqué every Tuesday. 

Dr. Nabeel Jabbour